Monday, August 27, 2012

DTC 355 post 2

I really enjoyed the XKCD comic about the difference between what university websites put on their homepage and what people are actually looking for when they go to the site. I thought it was funny and accurate. I remember being frustrated as a High School Senior looking at colleges because the websites seemed to hide all the information that actually applied to me. Students go to university websites looking for applicable information, like the majors they offer or how to get into the school, but most school websites just wanted to show off pictures and talk about the recent awards they had won. I felt like they were neglecting their key intended audience.

I decided to look at the University of Washington's website (boo!) at and see if it bared any resemblance to the type of webpage described in the comic. The UW's website does follow along with the comic a little. The first thing you see when you load the page is a bunch of scrolling pictures with links to press releases on how the university is working on research to stop global warming, cure autism and other scientific discoveries. If you scroll down you will see some links mentioned in the comic, such as campus events and tours. However I will say there are a few spots where they actually do provide useful information for students. Along the right side bar they have links to information on transit and parking, a staff directory, and directions to the campus. Additionally along the top bar of the page, they have links for current and future students, faculty, and alumni. I actually think this is a pretty well designed front page. The author clearly knew they would have a variety of people in their intended audience, and they didn't just direct the page at alumni so they could get money for the university. They actually include pertinent information for all the groups who might be looking at the school.

The page looks up to date, and the author laid it out in a way that each section of the page is small enough to be viewed on a mobile device. The use of the color purple is disgusting, but I suppose it is appropriate for this website. Since this page has links to all the information the audience would need, and it gives a positive image to the university I think this website does a good job of fulfilling the dual purposes of serving as a portal and putting their best face forward.

See ya'll next week!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your first paragraph in that most universities try to market themselves out like brands and don't try to appeal to the students as an a true functional student resource right off the bat. It is important to create an image and an appearance, but the universities main concern should be the functionality of the website for the students, not everyone else.

    I do not however agree with your choice in websites! UW?? Come on! That being said this was a good analysis of the site.
