Tuesday, December 4, 2012

DTC 355 Post 11 Usability Testing

So I redesigned my webpage into more of a web portfolio. The Website can be found here.

I also conducted usability testing on my classmates and asked the following Questions, and I have followed each with the responses of the participants.

1. What do you think of the color? Is it complementary? (I am partially colorblind so feel free to correct me) The testers liked the bright colors, and felt like it would make people  happy, and they also agreed that the colors were complimentary.

2. What do you think of the arrangement of the pages? Where do your eyes tend to focus? 
The testers greed that it is well organized and easy to find the vital info of the pages. The three testers seemed to agree that their eyes first land in the center of the page and then move to the top left towards the logo, and then move along the storm cloud background to the right and then back to the center of the page 

3. Was there anything particularly difficult about navigating through the pages? Did you find what you were looking for?
All three testers agreed that they were able to find links to my pages, as well as outer links to my twitter, blog, and youtube channel. The only bit of criticism was that I needed to add a link to my drawings page and my video page to the list of links at the bottom of the page.

4. What type of audience would you say this website is directed towards?
This question lead to a little disagreement. One person said it was directed to people who might want to hire me, while the other two said it was directed towards someone who wants to know more about me, and for silly people.

5. What is the purpose of this page? 
They agreed that it was to showcase my work.

6.Do you have any suggestions for my portfolio? 
The testers agreed that I should add a few more drawings and add subtitles or descriptions to them as well. They said it would make it more interesting. Additionally they put forth the idea of having someway to view the images from a thumbnail and expand them into a full sized image. They also agreed that I should add some more info about me and my brother on the about me page.


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